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Have you ever felt like you were just sinking on your journey? With all of the life challenges that we walk through sometimes it feels that way. I felt that way. Many times, over the last five years my journey just felt like it was getting harder and harder, and it was so difficult that my brain would physically hurt. Yet, I was determined to never let go of the CREATOR.

Last year we decided to go to Pensacola Beach for a few days. Walking by the water early in the morning and listening to its own beautiful music; I felt like my brain began to heal. Creation is a powerhouse in itself. As I sat with my feet in the sand the CREATOR reminded me that no matter what the journey may bring to you; HE is always there to carry you through.

You may be walking through a hard situation and feel like you are sinking, but the TRUTH is: YOU ARE NOT! The CREATOR is walking with you and carrying you to the other side of that difficult situation. I share this statement everywhere I go," I would not have survived if it weren't for the CREATOR, and if I can survive my traumatic journey with the help of the CREATOR you can survive your journey too."

Each day can be a new start for you just as it is for me. All you have to do is just reach up to HIM and HE will take you by the hand and, carry you through.

Until next time,


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Perfectionism is such an ugly word, and yet so many live each day fighting that beast. Today I would like to share with you about my husband. He is a hard worker, a good man, he has a big heart and has always been a giver ever since he was a kid.

Despite all of his good qualities and there are many more; he has battled that beast his whole life; we both have. He always felt like he was undeserving of anything. He justified anything he would buy because the guilt was so strong. Yet, through his battle he still did when he saw a need. The beast of perfectionism kept him from seeing and feeling the most important TRUTH there is: He's loved unconditionally by the CREATOR just as he is. Thankfully, he is now beginning to learn that truth.

Just like my husband and myself; you may have battled with or are battling with perfectionism now thinking that you have to do it all perfectly to be loved and accepted. Well, my friend that is the farthest thing from the truth. The CREATOR will always have HIS arms opened wide to you. Just as this beautiful waterfall in Tennessee washes and cleanses, so will the CREATORS love wash, and cleanse your soul. HE didn't create you to be perfect, HE created you to be full of love so that you can share HIS love with others. So just remember it's okay to love yourself, because the CREATOR loves you just as you are; flaws and all. You don't have to be perfect; you are already perfect to the CREATOR.

Until next time,


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