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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Today's encouragement will focus on a very tender spot for many of mankind, and that is when the heart has to learn a new lesson. Each season that I have walked through the CREATOR has taken precious time to teach me an important lesson. That lesson always makes its way back to forgiving someone.

It was also the very subject my son learned about in his reading book yesterday. Many times our hearts will get hurt by others, and then we hold onto that hurt. I shared with him the example of how I made the choice to forgive my mother for lying to me about who my biological father was for 42 years, and he said "mom it hurt my heart to see your heart hurt like that." So I said "son mom forgave so that I could teach you and your sister that no matter how deep your pain may be; forgiving that person helps you heal and that's what's important."

So my encouragement for you today is: in whatever manner your hurt or pain came from; forgiving that person keeps you free from their brokenness and it daily heals your heart. We will all have heart lessons on this journey called life to learn; these lessons are meant to always draw you closer to the CREATOR and then live daily showing HIS love to others. The greatest teacher we could ever have is the CREATOR!

Have a blessed day everyone!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Yesterday as I was preparing supper for my family the CREATOR reminded me of that very special message HE spoke to my heart back on March 20, 2020, and it was on my heart to share it with you. Yes I have shared it with you before but I just felt like someone else needed to either hear it for the first time or be reminded of it.

When I was working on the writing of my book I took a minute to step away from it and as I put my hand on the door knob to just sit outside for awhile in my heart I heard the CREATOR say these words " you have hung your head down long enough, raise your head daughter." I never realized just how much abuse I had endured throughout my life which is what had caused me to keep my head down. When I walk I usually walk with my head down, but today since HE spoke that to me I purposely keep my head up when I walk. You may have endured some type of abuse in your life, but now is the time for you to raise your head as well.

So my encouragement for you today is: please allow these words of encouragement to help you see that no matter what is said about you or done even to you; you are seen by the CREATOR as HIS precious creation. HE wants you to daily walk in the strength that HE has placed inside of you. So from today on remember to keep your head always up and keep shining bright.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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