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I wanted to share something with you that I thought would be very helpful to each of our hearts. Just last week I was listening to a video of encouragement by my sister in law which she just started doing and she talked about how she asks the CREATOR for a new word each year and this year her word is contentment. I have never asked the CREATOR to give me a specific word for a year, but while talking to one of my best friends yesterday during lunch HE reminded me that HE had already given me a specific word back in 2014.

That word was love. I never really understood the really definition of love, but when I went through my identity journey I really began to learn it in a major way. I began to see that reflection of love through my dad (biologically not) but only after he passed away. I saw how he showed unconditional love to me just like the CREATOR does. Now that I understand it; my heart is filled with that same love to show others. We may not all get words, but what we do all have is HIS love. The CREATOR loves you so much and it's a love like no one else can give.

So my encouragement for you today is: in everything that's around you, everything that's within you; look for all of the wonderful jesters that are given to you from the CREATOR; HE is always wanting you to know that you are loved by HIM.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

In my quiet time yesterday I sat outside and started reminiscing about our journey as a family. There have been times when I thought about how much I missed out on when it comes to the true definition of family, and because of that I dealt with a lot of anger. In the last 2 1/2 years the CREATOR has had to heal me layer by layer regarding that subject, and HE did it in the most beautiful way.

While thinking I lost everything; the CREATOR showed me that first my thinking was incorrect. Then HE began to show me each individual in my own personal little family. As I watched them throughout our journeys I began to realize that I had what I longed for all along and it was right in front of my face. Yes we have many flaws, but the growth that has come to each of us and as a whole heals my soul even more. I may have been raised in a broken and jacked up family, but today I see how the CREATOR took that brokenness and gave me something new.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter how jacked up things maybe in life; know that the CREATOR (if allowed by you) will take what's broken in your life and make it brand new for you just as HE did for me. He takes the ashes of your life and makes something beautiful from it. HE'S the best CREATOR!

Have a blessed day everyone!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

As I took time yesterday to think about today's encouragement; I just kept thinking about being rescued and realized how it was one of the most important rescues done in my life. Yes, of course the most important rescue is salvation so that you can spend eternity with HIM, but for me it's that and so much more. As I continue on each day of my journey; being rescued from that deep dark pit is pure joy because I never have to see that pit again. That rescue will always mean everything to me. That was definitely HIS action of love being shown.

Never again can that place hold onto me. Knowing the truth of my DNA has definitely changed everything in my life, but that change also brought freedom. Never being in the grip of control and lies for me is the greatest rescue in the world. You may be in a deep dark pit, but with one pull; the CREATOR can rescue you too. Your rescue will lead you to the greatest freedom of your life. Yes everyday I have things that I have to still work on, but it's now a work I enjoy.

So my encouragement for you today is: please take time to allow the CREATOR to heal your soul and give you the greatest rescue of your life. It will be bumpy, but it will be the best part of your journey. The truth is: you deserve it! Are you ready for your great rescue?

Have a blessed day everyone!


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