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The other night we had one of our family talks which is something we try to do often. We were talking about our financial journey and our daughter looked at us and said how grateful she was for what we went through because as she watched it she learned a lot about how it's important to manage your money the right way and now she does just that.

Then my husband said something that really inspired this encouragement for me. He said you know the CREATOR not only taught us the financial side of it, but HE brought us closer than what we already were. Since that financial journey I have watched my family connect in ways that my husband and I never had growing up. We all have family issues, but the most amazing gift can come from life trials and that's love.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter what the journey may bring to your life; know that being forged together with the ones you love will out way anything that comes your way. That forging will also teach you that no matter what: the CREATOR will always have you in the center of HIS hands too. So stop and look at your journeys and see what each one has taught you. There's always a lesson.

Have a blessed day!


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As I was thinking about today's encouragement I began to think about the journey I walked almost 3 years ago. As my identity journey began I can remember the very moments of not even knowing how to think straight, or even knowing how to breathe. In one second my life changed forever, and that's a feeling you never forget.

I do remember that moment when I literally felt the CREATOR hug my heart, because as I sat outside staring at a pond I remember saying to HIM " I don't even know how to feel Father; I'm just so numb!" There was a lot back then I didn't know, and there is still a lot today that I don't know, but what I do know is that no matter what: the CREATOR will love you through it all. Today we deal with the growing up of our children and I can definitely say there is a whole lot that I don't know, but the effort is made each and every day for it to be better for them than it was for us. That is a different journey too. Lol

So my encouragement for you today is: with every day you walk this journey called life and you are faced with many moments of not even knowing the how's, the why's or anything else; please allow yourself to lean in and allow the CREATOR to just love on you and walk with you. It's the only way to get through each day. Never forget that you always have someone praying for you everyday.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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As I asked the CREATOR for today's encouragement for you this is what HE spoke to my heart about. So I would definitely like to share with you that joy. I sat down yesterday and began to go through my pictures on my phone all the way back to 2010 and as I looked I saw joy.

Yes there were pictures that reminded me of painful times but overall the majority of those pictures spoke volumes of joyful and happy times. We've all had journeys to go through and we can choose to either be a victim and play that victim role for as long as need be, or we can choose to walk in the victory that comes after each battle. Sitting back and looking at all of those pictures the CREATOR helped me see that out of all that pain there was joy even through it.

So my encouragement for you today is: when the moment comes and you can sit and look at some of your pictures; please allow the CREATOR to show you your joyful moments even through the journeys you have had to walk. I promise, you will see that there is joy in every part.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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