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So today I would like to share with you about our family conversation last night concerning this title. Like most people we have built walls all around us for the main reason of not allowing anyone else to hurt our hearts. Most people do it but don't even realize that's what they are really doing.

As we talked with our daughter concerning a specific issue it just continued to make sense that her heart is still troubled by a situation. The troubling part for us as her parents is watching her do the same thing we have done. We taught her to build walls. Now, that can be a very good thing at times because it's important to protect your heart, but it can also be a not so good thing because we build that wall so tall that we even keep the good away as well. I have been very guilty of that. I am now learning to change that; not only for my heart but to teach my children how to change that for their hearts as well.

So my encouragement for you today is: throughout every situation you have been through and every layer of your wall of protection that has been built; please allow yourself to take a brick from that wall down each day, because when we keep certain people away we also keep the CREATOR away, and with this journey of life HE is who we need the most.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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As I was getting things ready on Friday for my kids this title was very strong in my heart. Then yesterday I was listening to Steven Furtick and he said a similar statement which helped me know that this was definitely what I was to encourage you about today. So I would like to share with you something that was said to me at the age of 18.

I went to our annual ladies meeting at our church and at the end of it I was pulled up on the stage with others and my mother stood in front of me and said " I forgive you for whoring around." I was only with one person at that age. The humiliation that I felt from those words stayed with me for a long time.

At the age of 42 when I learned that my Dad biologically wasn't my dad; the CREATOR began the healing process with me and healed that wound in my soul. Not only from the lies told to me about my dad, but also from those very words she spoke over me. After my book was published I had another person call me a loser, and today because of ALL of the work done inside of me those words mean nothing to my soul. I see me the way the CREATOR sees me. HIS precious daughter. I knew that I needed to share this with you today because HE wanted me too.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter what someone has said to you or even about you; those words will never determine who you really are, because the CREATOR sees you as HIS precious child filled with strength, goodness, gentleness and most of all love. So hold your head up and live daily in HIS love.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Just the other day I spoke with a very good friend of mine and during our conversation she made a statement to me that really stopped me and reminded me of what the CREATOR had spoken to my heart about two and a half years ago. That statement was: the door has been closed; don't try to reopen it.

Throughout the first half of my life I spent my time always going back to things and people who I loved very deeply, but there were times where situations would take place, and those things and people would hurt my heart all over again. I wore myself out each time, and each time I would be broken. All of that changed when the CREATOR healed a lot of the wounds that were in my soul. Yes, I still feel that tenderness, but after learning so much over the last almost three years; I keep the doors to my heart closed to that which is not healthy for me. It's okay for you to do the same.

So my encouragement for you today is: pay close attention to the doors that the CREATOR closes; HE knows what's best for you, and when HE closes it leave it closed. The CREATOR looks at your soul as a treasured jewel and HE just wants to keep you safe. It's okay to protect your heart and your peace.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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