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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

I wanted to start this encouragement off by saying thank you to each of you who take the time to read these encouragements. When I started writing over a year ago I started writing mostly like everyone else. Then as time went on the CREATOR spoke this statement to my heart: "do it differently."

I began stepping away from how I thought I was supposed to write.

So I will start to write about personal things and even share my family conversations with you. Maybe not every time but it is definitely the beginning. So please bare with me. I would like to make this personal so that you can see that if I have survived my journeys you will survive yours too. So yesterday the CREATOR gave me a sweet reminder, and it was this: that any weight or load that comes from this life journey is not meant to be carried by me, but to be carried by HIM. We all have life issues to deal with, but we don't have to deal with them alone.

So my encouragement for you today is: whatever you have gone through or will go through please know that you will never go through it alone. The CREATOR is in every part of your journey. So take this life journey that you are on and live it out one day at a time. Try not to worry about issues that are out of your control and just leave them in HIS hands. HE will walk beside you through it all. You will be okay!

Have a blessed day everyone!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

I would like to share with you something that has been coming back to my heart for the last week, and it's this title. When this title came to my heart I knew it was the CREATOR wanting me to share with you another tender spot that was in my life journey. This specific spot was never talked about most of my life.

Yes, I shared with you about the molestation that happened to me as a preteen, but what altered my life more was when a specific person in my life exposed himself to me. Yes I forgave this person, but the effects of that exposure lingered on for a very long time. The CREATOR had to resurface this wound in me almost three years ago so that I could be completely healed in that specific area. In the healing process I have learned that the CREATOR will bring things to the surface so that HE can heal you and bring wholeness to your life. The CREATOR knows exactly what we each need to be healed of so we can be whole again.

So my encouragement for you today is: with so many things that we bury within ourselves if you will make the choice to allow the CREATOR to bring things to the surface in your life; you will experience the most amazing healing your soul will ever know. I live by this saying daily and I've shared it with you before but I will say it again: you are strong enough to handle this! The CREATOR has you. You will overcome it all.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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I felt in my heart that this needed to be today's encouragement. I also felt that I should share with you part of a conversation that I had with my child last night concerning today's title. We talked with each other about a certain situation that happened and my child looked at me and said "I just can't go back to that friendship right now."

I looked at my child and said " love it's not time for you to go back to that friendship because the wound from that hurt in your heart has not been healed yet." I shared this with you because I truly believe that until we allow the CREATOR to heal the wounds in our souls we can not move forward to our next step in our journey, and we also end up punishing the good that is around us; which is not what others deserve.

So my encouragement for you today is: in every step of your life journey no matter how deep the wound maybe; please allow the CREATOR to heal your wounds so that you can live in peace, joy and feel the CREATOR'S love through those who HE places in your life. Don't short change yourself because of pain. Live in the good that the CREATOR has for you. It's worth it; I promise!

Have a blessed day everyone!


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