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Here recently I made a decision to start opening up more about personal things I have had to either deal with or want to be healed of in a deeper way. I wanted to not just give you encouragement but I also wanted you to know a side of my heart. In the last couple of weeks the CREATOR has brought more things to my memory so that I could be healed even more.

Learning to let go of trauma and hurt has actually showed me why I do certain things with my little family the way that I do. Realizing that I have poured everything into them (which is not a bad thing) and I have left me out has been actually hurtful to my heart, and now I am learning that it's okay to take care of me too. When l learned almost 3 years ago that my foundation was broken since conception; it set a course for certain events to take place that I had no control over. Even now I am still having to be taught by the CREATOR how to see, accept, and continue to daily forgive everything that has taken place. You may have had life traumatic events too and going back to where your foundation began can be very challenging, but with the CREATOR you can be healed also.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter how long it takes to walk through your life journey; take that precious time to walk it with HIM so that you can also have the same joy that I do. Watching all of that junk crumble and no longer have it's hold on me keeps me filled with a contentment like I've never felt before. You can have that same contentment with the CREATOR and live your life being filled with joy watching all of that junk crumble too.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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Today I felt in my heart that I needed to keep this encouragement very simple, and tell you that the CREATOR simply just loves you.

Sometimes we go through so many things that can distract us and our hearts become filled with so many different emotions; and in those emotions there is one thing our soul is in need of and longing to hear and that's simply: I love you.

So here is today's encouragement for you and it's real simple: from the CREATOR'S heart to yours- HE LOVES YOU!

Please allow those words to soak deep into your soul.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Today I wanted to share something with you that was pressing on my heart, and that's about the after part of your journey. There are so many people who have walked through so much and many are faced with gut wrenching pain. Some will deal with that pain and many will just bury it.

When the CREATOR walked me through the traumatic events of my life almost 3 years ago I didn't even know how to feel. I spent a lot of that time in anger, but as I said HE walked me through it and the anger is gone. When we are faced with certain realities sometimes it's hard to even live. However, as the CREATOR walks you through your journey, and heals and restores your soul; you will begin to feel again, and HIS compassionate and tender love for you will help you see that it's ok to live.

So my encouragement for you today is: as deep as your pain may be; please allow the CREATOR to heal your soul so that you can live and be a living example for someone else who maybe facing what you have had to face. We can all spread encouragement to show others that there is life after the pain.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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