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I know that this title might have you think that I'm talking about mankind, but I am not. Actually this title came to me while I was in my bathroom saving up towels. When this title came to my heart I stood there and asked the CREATOR what was meant by that.

All of the things that have kept you or keep you from moving in the direction that was meant for your life. Whether it be fear, anger, resentment, or people's opinions; it's time for those things to fall from your life. Many times we try so hard to fit into categories that we are just not meant to fit in, or we never take the steps we want to take. That's not living. We are meant to live and live in happiness.

So my encouragement for you today is: whatever giant has been or is presently in front of you; begin to thank the CREATOR for causing ALL of them to fall. It's time for you to live the way HE created you to live.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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Yesterday a very dear person close to my heart sent me a song that really encouraged my heart, but it also reminded me of my last journey. As I sat on the floor of my bedroom closet every emotion began to flood in again. Every conversation came back to my mind.

However, it was also in those moments that through the song the CREATOR reminded me that my scars have now turned into wonderful miracles in my life. Everything that was meant to destroy me actually made me stronger. All of the evil words even spoken again me pushed me to see how the CREATOR sees me and HIS words have so much more value to my heart. I promise that the way the CREATOR sees you will always mean more to you than anyone else's opinion.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter how many scars your soul may have; if you will give them to the CREATOR HE will heal you, and then fill your life with miracles beyond all that you can imagine. I am a miracle. You can be a miracle too.

Have a blessed day!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

The world we live in today is so very different from the world I grew up in. I remember growing up and feeling that sense of patriotism and love for our country. Today we are shown the very opposite of that. What we are not shown is all of the ones who are still standing strong.

That will always be what's important in life; standing strong. When the CREATOR shows you truth; stand strong and never back down from what HE says. No matter what goes on around you stand tall. Evil will always try to tell you differently, because evil is just full of lies, but remember evil will always be exposed.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter how much evil tries to convince you to believe one thing; know that when you stand strong with the truth; the CREATOR will always guide you in that strength. So for our nation, and for your life never back down for anything or anyone. Always Stand Strong!

Have a blessed day everyone!


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