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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

In day to day life we spend our time focused on everything that is around us, and in front of us. What we don't focus on most of the time is our peace. Peace is one of the most important gifts we are given, and peace is what we lose the quickest.

I did that most of my life. When circumstances arrived literally even at my front door; my peace was the first thing to go. However, even after all of the crazy journeys I have been on; today my peace is the first thing I protect. I do not trade my peace for anything or anyone. Some may think that's harsh, but in all truth it's not. We each have that right to protect the special gifts that come from the CREATOR.

So my encouragement for you today is: in every situation that you walk through in life; know that the peace for your heart that is given to you from the CREATOR is ok to protect, because when you go through any another situations you will see how protecting your peace is truly worth it all.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

On the previous encouragement I wrote about how it was time for goodbyes when it came to certain things or people. Yes there will be seasons in your life journey where that will have to happen, but then you step into a time of refreshing. Being refreshed from something or someone who has weighed you down will always feel like a load has been taken off of your shoulders.

There are many ways to be refreshed. One example is sitting in the quiet and allowing the CREATOR to talk to your heart. HE does that in many different ways as well. The other day my husband sent me a picture of the clouds; they were orange and he said when he looked at them they looked like they were rolling. Looking at that picture refreshed my heart because of the beauty of HIS creation.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter what may have to be pruned out of your life, or no matter what you are faced with in the day; look up at HIS creation and allow your CREATOR to refresh your soul. Being free from so many things in life is just so refreshing.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Throughout our life journey there are times where we just have to say goodbye to certain things and even certain people. Some might say well that's not easy, or that's not being nice. However, it is a very healthy choice for your life.

Saying goodbye to the harmful things in life leads you on a new path to not only a healthier life, but it also opens the doors to so much joy and to so many new opportunities. It's all in how you look at the season of goodbyes.

So my encouragement for you today is: when given the chance to say goodbye to something or even someone who just may not be healthy for your life; take it! Don't miss out on the new opportunities that are meant to be apart of your journey. Just remember that the CREATOR has a great plan just for you!

Have a blessed day!


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