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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

There are so many things that our world's consist of today. From work, social media platforms, news, sports and so much more. As we have seen there has been so much ugliness and hatred spewed into our lives by everything around us. How can we counteract that?

The best way to change that is by rebuilding our families. No, I'm not telling you what to do; I'm just sharing with you my heart. I grew up in a home full of lies, betrayal and abuse, and from that caused so much disfunction that we don't know how to even be a family. I had to change that structure for my own family; now mine is not perfect but we daily try to build our world with love. I have a frame that hangs on my wall in my living room that says: family is a little world created by love. Which is so true.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter what goes on in the world around us; if we build our families with the CREATOR our family structure will always be filled with love. It's the best way to strengthen our world!

Have a blessed day everyone!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

One of the most important things that we need on a daily basis is time with the CREATOR. As I was sitting in my room yesterday and noticed the clouds outside my window; I just began to think of this statement: it's just needed.

There are so many things that are needed in life, and there are so many things that are not needed, but the most important thing that is needed to survive throughout life is time with the CREATOR. Time is a very precious thing in life because once it has passed you can't get it back.

So my encouragement for you today is: with all of the fast paced lives that we live today; if you can find moments throughout your day to spend the best time of your day with the CREATOR; you will notice that life really is good, peaceful and most of all enjoyable. Time with the CREATOR is just needed and it just makes your day better.

Have a blessed day!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

As we just spent the holidays with family and friends; many gifts were indeed exchanged. Even though we all give material gifts to our loved ones; the best gift we can give is the gift of love. That gift was given to all of us by the CREATOR.

Sometimes for some people that is a hard gift to give because they choose not to give it, or they just don't know how to give it because it was never given to them. Even though it may be difficult to understand the gift of love it is the most important thing that comes from the CREATOR and it's unconditional.

So my encouragement for you today is: if you are one of those who may not have been given the gift of love from mankind; please allow yourself to receive it from the CREATOR, and then go out to the ones that HE directs you to and in some way give them the best gift ever: the gift of love!

The gift of love is the best gift that keeps on giving.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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