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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

There are many times in our life where we might feel like we are stuck and can't get out of the situation. There are also times where we don't know how to change it either. Well let me just say that there is always a way out and there is a way to change things. I am an observer, and I observe everything. Many times my husband will say " why are you staring?" I'm not staring; I'm observing.

Watching is a way that I learn, and learning is what helped me change certain situations in my life. If you see things in your life that may need to be changed; changing it can be hard, but it's for your good. Just to share with you an example: I'm an emotional eater, and now I have decided to change that by not allowing that to be my way of handling things and I know it's for my good. I choose to not be trapped by that any longer. Is there something that makes you feel trapped that you can change?

Well my encouragement for you today is: if there is anything in your life that you feel needs to be changed just know that you are strong enough to change it. The CREATOR gives you that very strength. With HIS help you can do it; it's just time to believe in yourself and trust HIM.

Have a blessed day!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Yesterday I made a statement about how there are just some days where you see something, hear something, or read something and it just makes you laugh out loud. Yesterday was definitely one of those days. Sometimes when we deal with challenges in life and the situation is hard; laughing your way through it will definitely help.

I know that it can be very hard at times and laughing may not make sense at the moment but it will get you through the challenge. Laughter heals the body and it's the best medicine for your soul. Life will be more enjoyable if you will just laugh.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter how hard your situation is or maybe; look for the little things along your journey that will bring you laughter and at any given moment just laugh out loud. The CREATOR loves for you to laugh and to be filled with joy. So take a moment and just laugh. You will be so glad that you did.

Have a blessed day!


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With each day of this year coming closer to an end, and a new year fixing to begin; it's a good time to take a moment and see just how much you have come through in this past year. You may have had some tough moments, but the good thing that also happened is that you made it.

In surviving all that you have walked through; you can look back and know that you are a strong person. Sure there have been times where I have shared about not looking backwards and to move forward; which is true, but when you look back reflect on all the good that has happened. As this new year approaches; go into it looking for even the little things, because it's those little things along the journey that makes life good.

So my encouragement for you today is: with everything inside of you keep pushing through and know that everything that you endured was for a reason, and there will be something good that will come from it all. Remember the CREATOR has you and is with you in every moment of your life. It's ok go forward!

Have a blessed day!


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