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Many years ago someone told me "And when you let go that's when the doors will open." In all honesty I struggled with trying to figure out what I was holding onto. Then after the last few journeys that I have had to walk out; it became very clear. I had to let go of the anger, the hurt from my past, the betrayal that was done to me, the rejection that was placed on me, the shame that I carried, and most of all I had to let go of the unforgiveness that I felt.

One journey after the other it was hard for me to see clarity on anything and that brought me to a place of not even wanting to live anymore, but with the tenderness of the Creator healing each layer of my soul the more I let go the more I felt real freedom. We lose so much time carrying the weight of life's issues, and the pain from our past that we stay in a mindset of shame longer than what we should. Yes, we all mess up and we all make giant mistakes on our journey, but in our journey the Creator really does heal every layer, every wound, and every part of your soul. Today, I say that I am living proof of that!

So whatever hurt, pain, betrayal, rejection, shame or unforgiveness that you carry, from my heart to yours I ask you to take a step and freefall into the Creator's arms and allow HIM to heal your heart, your wounds, and more importantly really heal your soul. As tender as HE was with me I know HE will be that tender with you. LETTING IT ALL GO REALLY DOES EQUAL FREEDOM!

Until next time,

The CREATOR loves you!

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Like a lot of people I have struggled with not feeling good enough, feeling like a failure, rejection, and self hatred. However, no matter how I felt about myself the CREATOR felt differently. After a long process of healing, today I can see myself the way the CREATOR sees me. While hiking on a frozen lake in the Rockies this past February; I stood on this little bridge and took a moment to say THANK YOU to the CREATOR for healing me, keeping me sane, but most of all just for loving me. When I turned around I saw this heart and began to cry, because I knew HE was saying: "I love you too!"

No matter what you go through in life, no matter how broken you may feel, the CREATOR can heal that brokenness in you just as HE did in me. So take a moment each day to look for your sign, because they are always around you, and carry this TRUTH with you always: THE CREATOR LOVES ME!

Have an amazing day and remember:

The CREATOR loves you! ❤️

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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Life is about learning and it's been in the valleys where I have learned the most. Many times we feel so helpless and weak, but it's those life valleys where you understand that the CREATOR is actually making you strong. Even when you don't understand the process; you can rest your soul in knowing that you are not alone and that the CREATOR will carry you all the way through.

When the lesson is learned you will come out of that valley and step back out onto your mountain top. So don't despise the valley; see your strength and then share that strength with others . It's time we all become STRONGER!


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