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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Each day we are given chances to either make a difference in someone's life or not. Making that difference can come in many different ways. One way is by taking the time to pour into someone's life. That pouring helps not only by showing that you care and love that person, but that pouring can also come by correction too.

Growing up I had a teacher that showed just how much he cared by taking time to talk with his students every time he saw that something wasn't right. Then when it was needed he corrected as well. In reality that is the same thing that the CREATOR does with us. HE takes the time to show us love but HE also takes the time to correct us too. Correction is love.

So my encouragement for you today is: when you have someone in your life who is a teacher, an instructor, a boss or even a spouse and they bring correction to you; take it not as an offense, but as an act of love helping you to go further down the road, because they see the potential in you. It is also the CREATOR showing you how much HE loves you and has a beautiful plan for your life journey.

Have a blessed day!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

With the holidays approaching and many dealing with loss during this time; there is a truth that can comfort the heart and that is: the CREATOR is your life saver. HE has been and is always ready to pull you out of the sadness that you feel. HIS hand is extended to you so that all you have to do is reach towards HIS.

Even though many will feel the joy of the holidays there will be many who will not. Yes I have shared this before, but I just felt it was important to share it again. Throughout everyday of our life we can always reach towards the CREATOR. HE was a life saver to me when I lost my dad almost 2 years ago. HE will be your life saver too!

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter what you are walking through or how sad you maybe feeling; if you will reach towards the CREATOR and allow HIM to pull you up; you will begin to feel a joy unspeakable. HE did it for me and HE will do it for you.

Have a blessed day!


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