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Each day we wake up and are surrounded by the people that we love. We spend time with family and friends, and our hearts are filled with joy. Memories get made with laughter and with happy tears. For some that is how holidays are spent, and for some that is how every day life is lived.

Now there are many who do not have that lifestyle and for some they will never experience it, but there is something that everyone can experience and that is the amazing love from the CREATOR. HIS love will be shown to each of us differently, and it will be the most important love our hearts will ever know.

So my encouragement for you today is: whether you are with family and friends or you are not; there is one truth that will be with you forever and that is from the CREATOR'S heart to yours: HE loves you more than you will ever know, and that is a love that will last for eternity. Now, you will take a moment and say to yourself over and over: the CREATOR loves me! Allow that to be your daily reminder.

Have a blessed day!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Are you ready to move forward? Each day we have the opportunity to look forward or to look backwards. When we look forward; we also look for the good. That focus daily brings joy to our hearts. When we look backwards we find many times that sadness is there as well.

Life was never promised to be easy, but it can be enjoyable. No matter what storm blows in your direction; you can keep going and move forward. The CREATOR is waiting for you to take HIS hand and take that step. When I took that step back in 2019; the one thing that stayed in my heart was: "forgetting what lies behind and press forward."

So my encouragement for you today is: whatever you are focusing on or whatever will be part of your journey; if you will make the commitment to yourself to focus forward; you will see the good that is coming in your direction.

Have a blessed day!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Throughout society many will see others who are put down or made to feel like they don't belong. Many will hear someone else's opinion to a situation and never even get the other person's side. They will go by that opinion and then become critical of others. When we look at how Christ walked the earth many did that very same thing to HIM.

As we visited with a family this weekend at a funeral; the sister of the person who had passed said that her relationship with her sibling had been strained because there was to much judging that took place after her sibling started going to church. We as mankind should never have the mindset that one is better than the other. That is a false mindset. We should however show love to all mankind.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter what opinion someone shares with you about a situation or another person; turn the table around and show unconditional love just as the CREATOR does. It's a much better way of life and it shows others who the CREATOR really is; because HIS opinion will always be the best opinion of you.

Have a blessed day!


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