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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

One of the greatest feelings in the world is having the arms of the one you love wrapped around you. In times of trouble or when it's just because; it's the most amazing security you can have right? Well just imagine the CREATOR wrapping HIS arms around you.

It's so much more than the physical hug; it's a soul hug. Sometimes it's hard to imagine it especially when things are traumatic, but when you feel it in your soul it comforts you in a way that you will never forget. Being wrapped up in the CREATOR'S arms brings such a joy and a peace. That hug is for eternity.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter what trial you are walking through please be encouraged that you have a Heavenly Father that is wanting to wrap you up in HIS arms and love on you like no one else can. HE is an amazing Father!

Have a blessed day!


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As I asked the CREATOR what I should encourage you about today; it was this title that kept coming back to me. Usually around this time of year there are lots of songs that are sung and Christmas shopping being done. What most people will bypass is the quietness.

One of the most important things that each of us can do is make time for quietness. As seasons change and trials come many will feel like the CREATOR is quiet and not speaking to us. However, that is simply not true. HE speaks to our hearts in a way that is so special and sweet. HE sends encouragements to all of us each and every day.

So my encouragement for you today is: even in the busiest time of the day please take a moment to allow the CREATOR to encourage you and love on you; it will be the most important and precious time you will have for your day. It's those "even in the quietness moments" that will also set you to a new direction in life.

Have a blessed day!


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Throughout our life many of us will hear "oh it's a season of a new beginnings." Growing up that was all I heard. However, being much older now I can see what that statement really means. Looking back at my family and our journey; I now see the new beginning right in front of us.

We have all heard the old saying that when the CREATOR closes one door HE will always open another. Can you look back or even today and notice when the CREATOR closed a door in your life? Can you also see the open doors in your life? With each new door there's a new beginning for what HE has for your life.

So my encouragement for you today is: with each new day, and each new open door if you can allow yourself to get excited even if you don't see it just yet; to just know that the CREATOR has so much of the new just for you. Are you ready for the new beginning that's ahead of you?

Have a blessed day!


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