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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Today I wanted to focus on matters of the heart. As I spoke to a very good friend of our family last night he made a very profound statement; he said " I just don't understand how people can be so hateful." My response to him was " people are hateful because they just broken on the inside.

I also shared with him that the other night I asked the CREATOR the exact same question. We may never understand every journey that someone walks through, but we can share a smile towards them. There are many hearts that are full of brokenness and need to be mended and made whole. When that is done the heart will feel a freedom like it's never felt before.

So my encouragement for you today is: if you have a person that comes along your path and you can see that their heart is broken; share a smile, a word of encouragement, or simply just say a quiet prayer for them. It may be that very jester to help them see the love of the CREATOR. Everyone deserves to have a free heart!

Have a blessed day!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

With every passing day that goes by there are many that will experience true love and there will be many that will not. Love from mankind is temporary, but the love that comes from the CREATOR is eternal. For some that is hard to grasp.

I was absolutely one of those who didn't understand HIS love until several years ago. I had a hard time understanding that HE loved me since the beginning of time. Why would HE? Why would HE not? HE is love! Here is the real truth: HE has loved you since the very beginning too. HIS love is so deep just for you. It's the same love today that it was even before creation. HIS love has never changed and it never will.

So my encouragement for you today is: if you have ever questioned within yourself if the CREATOR loves you please let me reassure you that HE does. HE has always loved you, and HE always will. HIS love remains the same throughout all of time. So each day hold your head up knowing that you are loved by your CREATOR.

Have a blessed day!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

As we approach the Christmas holidays many will be getting together to celebrate. Many will not due to a loss of a family member or because they have no family. Holidays can be tough for many, but it can also be a joyous time too.

Each day as we all walk this journey called life we can all find something good in it. There is good in each day, and there are so many examples to focus on. Here are a few: home- it's never the structure but it's the people you build a life with. Loved ones: people who are placed in your path along the way, and the most important example: the love of the CREATOR. HIS love is good each day and in every way. HIS love is with you always. Do you see it?

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter how you spend the holidays; stop and look for something that is good each and every day. I promise that when you look for the good each day you will always find it. The CREATOR is good and HE is in everything you see.

Have a blessed day!


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