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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

So many times in life we often get distracted by our circumstances making it hard to see our next step. Every day is a new step on our life journey and the only way to see our next step will be with the help of the CREATOR. HE can make our pathway so bright if we let HIM.

I was once told by a former pastor that it was time that I step out onto the balcony and see what's before me. He continued to say "and as deep as your valley has been is as high as your mountain top will be. I had no idea what he meant at the time." Today I can understand it better. Walking through my identity journey shattered everything in me, but as the CREATOR walked me through it I am now whole. What HE did for me in my soul; the CREATOR can do for you in yours. A healed soul is a prosperous soul.

So my encouragement for you today is: please allow the CREATOR to heal your soul wounds so that you can step out and see just how high your mountain top is. The plan that HE has for your life will amaze you.

You can trust HIM!

Have a blessed day!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Have you ever taken a day to just reflect on what your life looks like? Most of us would probably be amazed at all of the hurdles we have had to overcome. Many times we grow up with the plan of having a family, and careers. Most would not plan for the storms of life.

However, it's those storms that strengthen our character. When you are young you don't know what your journey in life will be like, but one thing is for sure and that is: that the CREATOR is with you all along the way. Even though I had many clues throughout my life; I still had no idea how my journey would turn out. Today I am very grateful for the way my journey has happened, because now I get to share the goodness of who the CREATOR really is with so many people.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter what direction or plan you make; please allow the CREATOR to daily guide your footsteps. You will have some crazy journeys along the way, but HE is faithful to see you through it all. Daily building your relationship with the CREATOR will be the best relationship you will ever have in life.


Have a blessed day!


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Yesterday I was talking with a very special person in my life and throughout our conversation today's title was made loud and clear. In my journey I have seen how many people long to be seen by others. Secretly all of mankind at one time or another will experience that longing. Many will put on either a different hat for the day or many will hide behind a different facade.

That reason alone is because they don't really see themselves and they don't see the way that the CREATOR sees them either. That comes from the wounds within their soul. The only way to really see who you are is to allow the CREATOR to heal your soul. HIS unconditional love for you will bring forth who you really are, because HE sees the real you.

So my encouragement for you today is: instead of living behind the facade of who you think you need to be ( which is how I lived until my identity journey took place); live each day taking little steps with the CREATOR to learn who HE really created you to be. It maybe a rough journey, but the end result with be worth it all.

Have a blessed day!


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