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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

When my truth journey began over two years ago my heart was on a mission to know truth. I spent time seeking information that I knew had to be different from what I had been told all of my life. I felt like I was going in this specific direction which actually led me to exactly what I needed to know.

Growing up I always told people that my birth-certificate dad was my real dad, because every one knew my stepdad. When I learned that biologically he was not; my world shattered. Then in time I did meet, visit and learn about my actual biological father. While this season was going on, and my real dad had passed away; I learned the most important truth there was and is about my dad. You see each one out of the three taught me something and that was to always look up at the CREATOR because HE is my original dad.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter if you have 1,2, or 3 dad's like me (lol) the most important one in your life will always be your Heavenly Father and that's the CREATOR. HE has been, is and will always be the most unconditional loving daddy your soul could ever have. Earthly father's and dad's will disappoint us at some point in our life because they are human, but the CREATOR will never fail you, and most importantly HE will never stop loving you no matter what you do or don't do. So daily look up because your CREATOR is wanting to wrap HIS arms around you and love on you.

Have a blessed day!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Many times throughout our life we long to have the new, and that could be anything. Most of my life journey was focused on the next new season. I always had to have things planned out for the next five or ten years. I felt like I needed to always be prepared for the new season that would come.

Well after my husband's motorcycle accident, losing everything we had except the roof over our heads, and then learning that my dad biologically was not my dad; I stopped needing to know or planning for the next season. I learned in each of those seasons that the CREATOR was just turning the pages in my life book. Through all of the hardships I learned who I was really created to be and most of all I learned the CREATOR.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter how many hardships you may have to go through; know within yourself that the CREATOR is turning your page so that you can have a new and brighter future. In everything you walk through always remember that you are strong enough to handle it.

Have a blessed day!


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In yesterday's encouragement I talked about releasing things to the CREATOR. Well I'm gonna take it a step further. When we let things go we usually feel a load lift off of our shoulders. Then the next step that the CREATOR would want you to take is to move forward into the new of what HE has for you.

When I lost my dad over a year ago I was in a place of not knowing what I should do. I felt very lost, but I knew that I couldn't stay in the anger that I felt. My dad told me before he passed " don't live in anger." Many situations will occur in your life and you will have to decide whether or not you will move to the next and new thing the CREATOR has for you or not.

So my encouragement for you today is: release everything that you need to release, shift your focus to look forward, and with every ounce of strength within you embrace the new that the CREATOR has just for you.

Have a blessed day!


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