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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Along the way on our life journeys; we like most people hold onto a lot of things. We spend time focusing on the hurt that someone did or said. With that hurt in front of us we find it harder and harder to release that hurt and let go. I will share with you that for me: I have always had a hard time letting go of control. I have learned that control was what I thought gave me stability.

What I now know is that by letting go of control; my stability was, has been, and is in the CREATOR. Each day I have to make the choice to release each issue that comes before me and place it in the hands of the CREATOR. Each time I release it to HIM; HE releases HIS best towards me.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter what or who has brought you hurt or if it's anything else if you will release it to the CREATOR and let it go; you will be blown away by what HE releases to you. HIS plan and purpose for you will bring so much peace and joy to your life journey.

Have a blessed day!


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Everyday we all deal with issues that cause us to wonder: ok what's next? Well that's called life. It's also called seasons. In every season there comes something, but we don't always know what that something is. Well that something is called: change.

Since my son was young I learned that he did not like change; neither did my husband. Anytime something would change I would have to sit him down and explain things to him. Even though I still do that today; I really learned that it was myself that had to be prepared and things explained to. Today I understand that when change comes it also brings goodness and mercy.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter what season comes or what change comes; know that it will always follow with the CREATOR'S goodness, HIS mercy, and most of all HIS love.

Have a blessed day!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Can you think about the times when you communicated with the CREATOR and felt like HE didn't hear you? Have you ever thought that your prayers were overlooked? There are times where many will feel that way. The truth behind this is that the CREATOR does hear every single word that comes from us.

Even though HE Hears; HE answers in HIS timing because HIS timing is for our best. HE sees our hearts and in every area HE will provide. Learning to wait on HIM is not always easy, but in that waiting time the CREATOR is building you, and strengthening you.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter how tough your journey may be; please know that the CREATOR sees it all, knows it all, and most of all HE hears it all, and HE will fulfill HIS promises to you.

Have a blessed day!


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