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As parents love to reward their children, and grandparents extremely love to reward their grandchildren; it is that same example of what the CREATOR wants to do with HIS children. Many times we as mankind have a hard time receiving those blessings from the CREATOR because we feel like we don't deserve it.

Truth is: we don't. However, the love that the CREATOR has for HIS children is more that we could ever imagine. For some it is, and I was one of them. I didn't understand what unconditional love was until I allowed HIM to show me. Since then I dig from HIS treasure box and feel HIS love daily.

So my encouragement for you today is: even if you feel or think that you don't deserve anything; please allow yourself to daily reach into the CREATOR'S treasure box and feel HIS love for you. HE has so many rewards that HE wants to bless your life with. Are you ready to start digging?

Have a blessed day!


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Every day as I ask the CREATOR for the right words to share in each encouragement; this title kept coming back to my heart. In every journey that we walk through there is always an ugly part, but there is a beautiful part too. No you may not see it, but in time you do.

As I think about the parts of my life journey I use to see only the ugly, but now I see all of the beautiful parts. The healing that the CREATOR did in my soul, the restoration of my relationship with my dad, the strength of my little family, and most importantly peace of mind for each day. Yes I do have rough days, but I get through them a lot quicker than I use too. All of those examples can be for you just as they are for me, or for whatever area you need.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter what area of your life that may have the ugly in it; know that the CREATOR can and will bring you the beauty. That's just how much HE loves you. Are you ready for the beauty?

Have a blessed day!


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