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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Throughout our life we are faced with circumstances that causes us to feel like we are lost and not sure where to turn, or what direction we need to go in. Sometimes in those situations we may also feel like a wanderer. We look for anything or anyone to give us clear direction.

However, there is only one who can give you that clear and direct path to take. The CREATOR will guide your every step even when you don't see it. Each one of us are born with purpose and if we focus on the CREATOR that purpose will come to pass. Sure we may feel lost at times but we are not really lost; we are just searching for that purpose.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter how lost you may feel; know that you don't have to wander anymore. Just let your footsteps lead you straight to where the CREATOR wants you to be. Your path is right in front of you.

Have a blessed day!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Many times when the page of your life book turns you find yourself going through many different thoughts and emotions. Some of those thoughts can cause you to have doubts and then you want to just give up. Many times throughout my journey I have felt that way.

There have been times where I just wanted to quit, but in each season the CREATOR would remind me to just keep pushing through it. When you can't see how things will work out, and you think there is just no hope; it's those moments when you have to just lean on the CREATOR , and keep going. It's a day by day journey and you will get through it.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter how tough things can be, and no matter how hard things may look; keep pushing through, and don't quit. The CREATOR has great things in store for you.

Have a blessed day!


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Have you ever felt like you were supposed to do something but you had to wait for the right time to actually do it? Have you ever felt like you knew exactly what the CREATOR wanted you to say or even do but wasn't sure if it was the right time? Those nudging thoughts in our hearts absolutely come from the CREATOR.

Here is an example: my heart always wanted to share encouragements with people, and there were times that I did. However, it was never fully at the place where I wanted it. That's because of two reasons. 1- my heart had to be healed of a lot of hurt, and 2- it wasn't time yet. I couldn't share about the love of the CREATOR until I fully understood it. Because of that understanding and healing I can now share about HIS love to others.

So my encouragement for you today is: even though you may or may not understand HIS timing in your life; my prayer for you is that you allow your journey to take the course it needs to so that you can fully walk in HIS plan that HE has for you. HIS timing makes everything beautiful for our lives.

Have a blessed day!


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