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There are so many times throughout our journey that we say we trust the CREATOR, and we do, but can you say that you really trust HIM in the unknown parts of the journey? The unknown is a place for me that I have always disliked.

However, today I'm at peace with the unknown because it's the very place where the CREATOR gets to show off. It's the very place where HE gets to get ALL the glory. We as humans may not always understand the unknown places during it's season, but you will definitely understand it all when the CREATOR brings you to the very place HE wants for you.

So my encouragement for you today is: if you can allow yourself to trust every step the CREATOR is taking you on; you will eventually see that it will be not only for your good, but it will be the best adventure for your life. You can trust the CREATOR!

Have a blessed day!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

As I was listening to Steven Furtick yesterday he said something that was so meaningful and profound. He said God doesn't need you; HE wants you. Many times in life we hear of people who have felt so unwanted. Then out of that emotion wrong decisions have been made. Just as an example: I felt that way for 42 years. Even though I have a loving husband and loving children; that feeling was still there, and in my teenage years I made wrong decisions out of that need to be wanted and loved. I am grateful for the CREATOR healing my heart, and HE can heal you too.

We have and will walk different paths in life, but the one thing that is without a doubt, and that is: the CREATOR loves you and wants you. HE wrote out and designed a beautiful plan for your life. We don't have to search for others to validate us or make us feel wanted because they can never give to your heart what can only come from the CREATOR.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter what emotion you may face; you can daily feel the unconditional love of the CREATOR. You can live in that love knowing that you are HIS child and HE will always be your Heavenly Father. You will never be unwanted because you are completely wanted and loved by HIM.

Have a blessed day!


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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Many times when life throws you a curve ball you will be given two options: 1- you can give up all hope and focus on the situation or 2- you can hold tight to your trust in the CREATOR. Many times we fall quickly into giving up. As humans we are hard on ourselves if we give up. Truth is: the CREATOR knows our imperfections.

HE doesn't condemn us for being imperfect; HE is however teaching us to just trust HIM. Life will always throw you the curve balls; just remember HE is with you and HE will not let you fall. The CREATOR is trustworthy even when we may not be. So don't look at the situations and the imperfections. Always look at HIM.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter what curve ball is thrown at you; don't lose hope because your CREATOR will be faithful in everything HE has planned for your life.

Have a blessed day!


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