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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

Accepting You

Most people today as we see have a hard time accepting themselves even though they believe they do. I was definitely one of those people. In 2000, there was a precious man who stood in front of me and said, " I saw a razor at a wrist, it starts with opinions, that says I'd rather be dead than to face what I'm facing." He then spoke to the spirit of death and suicide and said, "you leave that young lady alone!"

I spent most of my life having such a low self- esteem that throughout certain journeys I just did not have the strength to go on. I always saw myself through people's eyes and their opinions that I never really saw myself. No this is not a pity party, but truly a journey of freedom. After going through a deep healing with the CREATOR each day I learn to love myself more than the day before (it is very healthy for you to love yourself), and I need to love me, because the CREATOR loves me. My heart was to never intentionally hurt anyone, but the truth is I was hurting myself all along.

No one's journey in life will be perfect, and the CREATOR never expects you to be perfect. HE just wants a relationship with you, and HE wants you to see you the way HE sees you. Forgiven, chosen, beautiful, strong, rescued, wanted, unique, and most importantly LOVED. I chose to share a specific picture with you because before my healing I was broken, shattered, lost and emotionally bent over. After my healing I am now FORGIVEN, FREE, JOYFUL, A BEAUTIFUL SURVIVOR, and most of all I AM LOVED. Today I stand tall even though I am only 4' 10". I can now see truth! I see what the CREATOR sees, and if you will allow HIM to heal your soul you will be able to see HIS beautiful creation too, and that's YOU!

The only opinion that really matters is the opinion of the CREATOR and yours. You are HIS handcrafted masterpiece. So, each day wake up knowing you are LOVED just as you are. There is so much to live for, and if I can survive with the help of the CREATOR; you can survive too!

Until next time,


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