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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

From HIS Heart To Yours

I wanted to share something with you that I thought would be very helpful to each of our hearts. Just last week I was listening to a video of encouragement by my sister in law which she just started doing and she talked about how she asks the CREATOR for a new word each year and this year her word is contentment. I have never asked the CREATOR to give me a specific word for a year, but while talking to one of my best friends yesterday during lunch HE reminded me that HE had already given me a specific word back in 2014.

That word was love. I never really understood the really definition of love, but when I went through my identity journey I really began to learn it in a major way. I began to see that reflection of love through my dad (biologically not) but only after he passed away. I saw how he showed unconditional love to me just like the CREATOR does. Now that I understand it; my heart is filled with that same love to show others. We may not all get words, but what we do all have is HIS love. The CREATOR loves you so much and it's a love like no one else can give.

So my encouragement for you today is: in everything that's around you, everything that's within you; look for all of the wonderful jesters that are given to you from the CREATOR; HE is always wanting you to know that you are loved by HIM.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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