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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

HE'LL Never Let Go

Yesterday I was given the open door to sit with a very dear friend of mine. This precious lady has recently walked through a journey of loss. I shared with her about the loss that I've walked through and even though our losses are different the emptiness is still the same. Even through the loss we both can see the same thing and that's the CREATOR love.

I shared with her about another lady who lost her husband and how in her story the CREATOR told her to plant her husband in HIS hands, and not to look at it as though she was burying him, and that there would be a great harvest of souls for salvation from that planting. The CREATOR held HIS promise to her, and HE will hold HIS promises to you. One fact that remains true forever is that the CREATOR will never let you go during the losses or the crazy journeys of life. HE is right there with you, and holding you to get you through it.

So my encouragement for you today is: whatever loss you may have been through know that the CREATOR will never let you go. HE has linked HIS arm with yours, and HE will see you through. You are not alone! Rest each day moment by moment in HIS peace and love. HE'S GOT YOU!

Have a blessed day everyone!


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