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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

New Page New Day

Many times throughout our life we long to have the new, and that could be anything. Most of my life journey was focused on the next new season. I always had to have things planned out for the next five or ten years. I felt like I needed to always be prepared for the new season that would come.

Well after my husband's motorcycle accident, losing everything we had except the roof over our heads, and then learning that my dad biologically was not my dad; I stopped needing to know or planning for the next season. I learned in each of those seasons that the CREATOR was just turning the pages in my life book. Through all of the hardships I learned who I was really created to be and most of all I learned the CREATOR.

So my encouragement for you today is: no matter how many hardships you may have to go through; know within yourself that the CREATOR is turning your page so that you can have a new and brighter future. In everything you walk through always remember that you are strong enough to handle it.

Have a blessed day!


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