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Writer's pictureSabrina Kelley

The Recovery

I know many struggle with the word "WAIT", because I am one of them. Being patient for something has never been a strong point for me. To be very honest I have despised that word most of my life. However, after the journeys that I have been on; today I understand the word "WAIT" very clearly now. I struggled with the "HOW", and "WHY" as well, but the emotional trauma for me was by far the worst, and I just wanted the CREATOR to make that all go away.

Well, today I can say that the CREATOR didn't make it go away, but HE did heal every wound that was there. When you have deep wounds, it takes time to heal and recuperate from it. My heart had to come to a place of really wanting that healing and the CREATOR waited patiently with me till I was ready. The CREATOR is patiently waiting with you too. Many years ago, I was told that everything that was stolen from me would be restored back to me. I always looked at it from a material point of view, (even though that is coming) but what has been restored is much greater than material things. My original blueprint of who I am has been restored, my joy has been restored, my peace of mind has been restored, and most of all the understanding of what unconditional love is has been restored.

I share this with you to bring hope to your soul that everything can be restored to you as well. Just the other week a very close friend of mine said "you are definitely coming to the end of the tunnel and will see light again real soon!" Little did she know while hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennesse last fall, I took this picture because of how beautiful the colors were and saw a tunnel in the trees; I guess it was what I needed to see at that time. The CREATOR will not only use HIS creation to heal you, but HE will use it to remind you of just how much HE loves you. Yes, I am still waiting for certain things, but I know that HIS "TIMING" makes everything beautiful just as HIS creation is. So even though it can be very hard in the waiting season of your journey, and you may want to give up- DON'T! There is a light at the end of your tunnel, and ALL will be RECOVERED and it will definitely be worth the wait.

Until next time,


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